Kaj Hagros
Managing Partner Nordics

What brought you to Redstone and when did you start?
After working as a CEO of a Nasdaq Helsinki traded telecom IT firm, I wanted to move to startup investing and corporate venturing. Having done some 50 investments and several corporate venturing programs, I heard of Redstone and decided to join. I knew Samuli already from my time in Berlin when working as COO for FOX Mobile (earlier Jamba).
What are your main responsibilities in the team?
Managing Partner in Nordics while also the GP for Redstone Nordic Seed Fund.
What innovation will change the future in a positive way?
Alongside stock picking - I also invest monthly into four ETFs: Sustainable Future of Food, Clean Energy, Health Care, and Digitalisation. I believe those cover quite well the potential for making the world a better place.
How do you relax/clear your mind?
Playing glam rock in a cover band, boating, and chilling in the Turku archipelago.
Whats your favorite lifehack to share?
Always avoid back-to-back meetings. Take time to relax and just ponder aimlessly in between. This is needed to stay creative.
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