Anastasia Gonotskaya

What brought you to Redstone and when did you start?
My journey with Redstone began in 2016, almost by coincidence, when I was interning at a Berlin-based startup that shared the same office space as Redstone. After completing my internship, I joined Redstone as a working student alongside a colleague, with our initial goal being to automate the sourcing of startups. After earning my Master's in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University, I returned to Redstone full-time. I'm passionate about driving data-driven VC, challenging traditional methods, and transforming the way venture capital operates.
What are your main responsibilities in the team?
My primary responsibility is to ensure that our company thrives as a data-driven organization. A significant aspect of this involves the development of our internal data platform, SOFIA. I focus on integrating data and technology across the VC lifecycle, collaborating with the team to identify challenges, and working with the tech team to devise innovative solutions. This synergy fosters informed decision-making and strengthens Redstone's competitive edge.
What innovation will change the future in a positive way?
I believe that breakthroughs in space technologies will make a big difference in our future. These advancements can open up amazing opportunities for humanity on Earth and beyond. Just think about the potential for sustainable living, better resource management, global communication, and even space traveling. As we continue to explore and innovate, the impact of these developments could truly transform our lives for the better.
How do you relax/clear your mind?
To clear my mind, I love to travel and explore new places, immerse myself in a good book, or engage in sports activities such as swimming, running, and participating in triathlons.
Whats your favorite lifehack to share?
If you're planning to run a marathon, make sure to train beforehand. While it's possible to complete it without any training, you'll have a much better experience if you're well-prepared. Also, if you enjoy traveling, have a look at Google Flights' Explore section for ideas on spontaneous trips and adventures.
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